環境・安全セミナー NEW!
2015年6月5日(金) 東6ホール 特設会場 無料 同時通訳有
- 6月3日(水)
- 6月4日(木)
- 6月5日(金)
北野 大 氏
淑徳大学 人文学部 表現学科 東京図書館長 教授
1942 東京都に生まれる
1972 東京都立大学 大学院 工学研究科 工業化学専攻 博士課程 修了 (工学博士)
光分解ガスクロマトグラフィーの研究(財)化学物質評価研究機構 企画管理部長を経て
1994 淑徳短期大学 食物栄養学科 教授
1996 淑徳大学 国際コミュニケーション学部 経営環境学科 教授
2004 同 人間環境学科 教授
2006 明治大学 理工学部 応用化学科 同 大学院 理工学研究科 応用化学専攻 教授
同大学院理工学研究科新領域創造専攻 教授
2013 淑徳大学 総合福祉学部 教授
2014 淑徳大学 人文学部 表現学科 教授(公職)
江戸川総合人生大学 学長
安全学入門 Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ(研成社)
化学物質と正しく付き合う方法(化学工業日報) など多数
2004年度 日本分析化学会 技術功績賞
2006年度 環境科学会 学会賞
2008年度 環境功労者として環境大臣表彰を受ける・人間環境(ストックホルム)宣言、OECD化学品プログラムからの歴史的背景
An Examination of the Prospective Benefits of Manufacturing Electronic Assemblies Without SolderMr. Joseph Fjelstad
Verdant ElectronicsJoseph Fjelstad, founder and CEO of Verdant Electronicss is a 45 year veteran of the electronics interconnection industry. He has authored or coauthored several books on the topic including Flexible Circuit Technology, globally the most widely read book on the subject matte and Chip Scale Packaging for Microelectronics. Mr Fjelstad is also a prolific inventor with more than 175 US patents issued in his name and with many of the ideas disclosed in those patents now in wide use around the globe in electronic products of every type. His present company, Verdant Electronics, is focused on and is championing the idea of eliminating solder from the electronics manufacturing paradigm by, in essence, reversing the manufacturing process to make products that will be at once more economical, more environmentally friendly and more reliable though the elimination of what is recognized as the number one cause of electronics failure, the venerable but technically and physically limited solder joint.
Solder has been the primary method for interconnecting electronic assemblies for well over half a century. While solder has served its intended purpose in a suitable manner over the decades, solder joints are known to be the primary sites of electronic system failures. This presentation will explore and examine prospective methods for making electronic assemblies without the use of solder under a new paradigm called SAFE (Solder Alloy Free Electronics) manufacturing. The methods hold promise of reducing manufacturing complexity and cost while increasing overall reliability. The resulting structures can also be made smaller, lighter and more environmentally friendly than those produced by traditional method. Examples of methods and technologies as well as the results of an experimental exercise wherein a circuit assembly designed using current best practices is compared to a circuit assembly which has been designed to be built without solder, using strict design guidelines will be presented.
UL's newservices for PWB
Mr. Irving Lee
Global Program Manager, Consumer Technology
UL AG, Taiwan BranchIrving Lee joined UL in 2014 as a Global Program Manager for Printed Circuit Technologies.
Member of TPCA Market Information Committee and PCB Industrial White Paper councilExperience ;
1989~1993 Process Eng. & QA supervisor in Boardtek Electronics Taiwan
1993~1998 Head of DEC Asia Pacific PWB qualification Office/Lab in Taiwan
1998~2014 Sr. Manager in Inventec Taiwan (The Biggest Server ODM company)
Latest situation of UL 746/796 standards
Ms. Crystal Vanderpan
Principal Engineer
PV Materials and Printed Circuit Technologies
Product Safety
UL LLCCrystal Vanderpan joined UL in 1995, and is the Principal Engineer for Printed Circuit Technologies and PV Materials.
She is UL's Technical Representative in developing Standards for PWBs and PV Materials. She is the vice-chair for IPC D12a UL Flex PWB task group.
Crystal has given many presentations and written several white papers regarding PWB testing.
環境・安全セミナー お申込方法